Monday, November 2, 2009

I have decided that I'm not going to sleep tonight, I am just going to write. I havent written in quite some time and my fingers feel almost numb against my laptop keys. This is like entering a foreign territory but with a slight case of deja vu. I dont believe in mornings anymore. I sleep until my bones ache and my eyes are glued shut with crust. I hate television. I like pomegranate tea but not actual pomegranates. Does that make me a bad person? My head feels heavy with everything I have done, havent done, and have yet to do. I want to see in orange. Right now this moment isnt orange and I would like to change that. Tomorrow I am going to walk until i cant feel my feet anymore, and then I am going to turn around and walk back. I am also planning on smoking a million cigarettes before I die and I plan to be buried with a pack in my pocket. Hell, I want Marlboro to sponsor my funeral and have my lungs cut out and put on display. Better yet, turn them into pinatas and fill them with nicotine gum. Fuck, I'm just rambling now. Who the fuck cares, no one reads this anyway.

Dying my hair purple soon. Like you give a shit.

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